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Youth Groups - 2025

Monday Night Group

Unfortunately due to a loss of funding we are not currently not able the Monday night youth group.

Please check back with updates as to when it will reopen!

Tuesday Night Group

Our Tuesday night youth group is back up and running this term from 5.30 – 7.30pm each week.

It is for people aged 12 - 16 years.

At each session young people will be able to get involved with a range of different activities that will help with confidence, improve self-esteem and boost motivation.

These include; Pizza nights, discussion groups, murder mystery evening, handling money, staying safe, fundraising, sharing of opinions, confidence building, mental health, environmental projects and lots more.

There will be an expectancy that phones will be put away during the sessions

If you would like to meet up with others, get involved with real activities and have some fun, please come and join us.

Allsorts Group 

Allsorts is a club for young people aged 11-18 with disabilities.

We run the club every Wednesday from 5:45 - 7:15 (term time only).

It is the perfect opportunity to make new friends and to develop social skills whilst having a good time. It is also a fantastic chance to meet other people and to develop confidence and self-esteem.

Activities we provide include art, pool, Nintendo switch, board games and team games.

For more information on how to sign up to the groups please visit our Youth Group Page


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