We all talk about being kind to others, but what about ourselves? That’s just as important right?!

We understand it’s hard not to scrutinise your body when there’s something about it you feel makes you less ‘attractive’ or ‘abnormal’. So let's break down some of the common misconceptions.

The following things are completely ‘normal’ and in many cases affect the majority of the population.
> Acne – 80% of those between 11 and 30 affected at some point
> Stretch marks – 90% adolescent women, 40% adolescent males
> Birthmarks – up to 80% are born with birthmarks. Some fade and some are permanent.
They can occur anywhere on your body including your face, hands, arms and scalp.
> Cellulite – over 90% of women and %15 of men affected.
> Body hair – there are conditions that mean you don’t have body hair, but for the most part people do have body hair. Not just on their head but, legs, armpits, check and pubic areas.
> Beard bristle – beard hair varies hugely from person to person. Some men may start growing it in their teens whilst others wont until years later. It will also vary in thickness, texture etc.
> Moles – the majority of people have moles and the number can vary between 1 and 400.
> Asymmetry – total symmetry in your body/ face is very rare. Most people will have variations on one side of their body compared to the other.
> Variation in skin tone – on different parts of your body, e.g. face or legs
> Braces / teeth – many people feel self conscious about having braces on or teeth that aren’t ‘perfect’. Braces are very common in teens and nobody is going to have teeth that are the same. Just like everything else, each of us is unique.

If you are of have been concerned about any of these things affecting your body, hopefully now you can feel reassured knowing that it’s not just you who is affected. And not just that, lots of people feel self conscious about it too. But we want to see changes in this and help people build confidence in their bodies. After all, we shouldn’t have to feel negatively about natural developments to our bodies, should we?

If you’d like to talk about anything worrying you, we are here to listen and support you! Simply get in contact – often the first step is the biggest, and it all becomes easier from there onwards.
