
Having counselling is a chance for you to be able to talk to someone in a quiet and safe environment. Counsellors help find ways of coping with different issues through making or encouraging positive changes within your life.
We are funded to provide counselling specifically for 11-18 year olds so this is service is completely free,
We can also Offer counselling to 19 - 25 years completely free.
Youth in Romsey offer two types of 1:1 counselling support:
With a Qualified Youth Worker
Sometimes people aren’t ready or don’t want to receive counselling. Therefore, YiR offers confidential 1:1 sessions listening to the young person and providing strategies. Some of the issues that youth workers support with include low self esteem, self harm, anxiety, anger, family breakdown and relationships. These sessions normally run on a weekly basis and can continue for as long as the young person needs. This type of support is more around making short term goals and developing strategies to cope with everyday worries.
With a Qualified Counsellor
If you feel that you need more support with a particular issue – you may wish to talk to one of our fully qualified counsellor. This can include support with family problems, bullying, relationships, mental health, depression or self harm.
If you would like to talk to someone confidentially, you can get in contact with our counselling team by visiting our website, filling in the HYA referral form. From there will will then receive the form and add the young person to our waiting list.
If you have any questions feel free to ring our Centre on 01794500581
"I recently visited Youth in Romsey for counselling and was overwhelmed with the kindness and support that was given to me."